Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 3:Introduction Day

The team just arrived back at the hotel exhausted.  God is so faithful! Everything we prayed earlier came to fruition while out in the field. Earlier this morning the team discussed perseverance and what it means to persevere. Every trip I'm always amazed when reading the bio on George Mueller.  In spite of what his eyes were telling him, he still believed.  To briefly summarize his story - Mr. Mueller prayed that 5 individuals would come to know Christ. He prayed every day, regardless of how he felt and where he may be at the time.  After 18 months, the first was saved and 5 years later the second converted as well.  Another 6 years passed before seeing the third give his life to God.  Thirty-six years later he Mueller wrote "But I hope in God. I pray on, and look for the answer. They are not converted yet, but they will be." 

Today was ALL about perseverance - which is what I anticipated. Usually, the lesson studied in the morning with the team is the lesson/theme that resounds throughout the remainder of the day.  Team A and B  stayed to connect with the high schoolers and team C went to UTech for college ministry.  Papine is not a place unfamiliar to me. However, I sensed a transition when I stepped from the bus.  The children began to recognize us as we unloaded the bus and I was thrilled - yet I couldn't help but notice that the kids were taller/stronger/more mature physically. Beyond the natural eye, I could see that not only had the children grown but so had their problems/their distance from Christ/their despair/ their love for wanting a greater good.  What had happen to the seeds we planted in the last two trips? Were they gone to waste? Had we done a good enough job? And it was then that the Lord reminded me that His word does not return to him void and that the race isn't given to those who run faster, but to those that endure.  Ahhhhhhhh! This is a lesson in perseverance.  I spoke to everyone that God lead me to speak with and there were some that heard the message and genuinely received Christ. However, the majority had an interest but hesitated to close the deal because they were fearful of backsliding by the end of the week. On one hand, I was extremely appreciated that they respected how serious their commitment to Christ would be. On the other hand, I was deeply sadden that they had developed this numbness to the gospel and wouldn't dare seek to learn more due to their fear. Of course, myself and many other team members explained what it means to be saved (Christian: Christ-like) and that depending on our own strength/power to walk the walk of faith daily would land us know where - we'd fall  up short every time.   Yet, in every encounter I was reminded that the words I spoke fell on good soil. Someone or something may encounter him to help bring them along to be closer to having a relationship with God. 

Here are few words from Ps. David on what he was feeling around mid-day.

Pics of the day

Oh! In case you're wondering about the last two friends of Mr. Mueller.  Well, in 1897, fifty-two years after Mueller began to pray; those two men were finally converted - after Mueller died. On e of the mean, seeing Mueller's coffin being lowered into the ground, received a revelation of eternity and was converted on the spot.  WHAT PERSEVERANCE!!!!! I'm inspired and you should too. Let's not wait to live as missionaries in another country. There are lives at stake and lying in the balance right where we live.  Choose to consciously engage.

One Lord, One God of Many Nations,


1 comment:

  1. So proud of you Crystal. And I'm truly in awe.
