Saturday, October 8, 2011

Day 1: Touchdown in Jamaica

Wow! What a day! Where shall I begin? Initially, I was so caught up in the motions of traveling that I almost forgot to stop and take a moment to communion with my father.  As I settled into my seat of the first flight I took a moment to meditate on the goodness of God and my purpose for this trip.  Third time is a charm they say and I am definitely anticipating a powerful, life changing trip for the people of Jamaica and for myself.  A rush of emotion overwhelmed me as the Blue Mountains slowly inched into view as we were flying inland.  I can't believe God would find me useful for the Jamaican people 3 times in a row.  With that thought in mind, I created a mini alter on the plane cruising at an altitude of 30,000 ft. in the air.  There's nothing that I want more on this trip than to accomplish the mission that God gave me to fulfill.  As a veteran to the Kingston, Jamaica Ten Days team,  I know it is my duty to be sensitive to the holy spirit in order to deposit seeds into the hearts of his people.  In fact, Mama Millie -a mother from my church and a  genuine Jamaican, eloquently shared that her prayer is for us to connect with at least one person.  I know all too well that the team will connect with many people. However, I'm agreeing with Mama Millie and asking the Lord to send the one person I am destined to connect with - the one that is the reason God sent me to Jamaica.

Tomorrow is church at CLF. If you've followed my blog from previous trips, you know that Christian Life Fellowship is a church that we partner with while in Jamaica.  You should also know that mighty things happen whenever we attend the Sunday service.  The team and I are looking forward to worshiping with them.  There is a sound that only the Jamaican people can create that reaches deep into my soul and cause me to worship like never before - so powerful. I think the sound is created with a heart/spirit of desperation. They know that their island is far from what God intended it to be - a nation devoted to him.  (Ephesisans 6:12) Together, CLF and Ten Days, will lift our voices to the heavens to praise the God of Jamaica, Lord of Kingston, and King of Papine in gratitude for what He has done, will do while the team is here, and will continue to do through the people of this island for years to come.

IN OTHER NEWS -  I'll share a few brief highlights of my day.

  • Nashville Ten Days team and Orlando Ten Days team united today. WOW! The blending of the two teams into one was seamless.  We're definitely cut from the same cloth. I'm looking forward to make some lifelong friends.
  • Two ladies (Sara and Precious) immediately went into their missionary mode of looking for an opportunity to touch lives in Jamaica when they gave food to a gentleman looking through the trash. (see the pic above)
  • FOOD - Oh my! I love my Jamaican food. Bring on the plantain, festival, coco bread, jerk chicken.......more soon to come!
  • Seeing the growth of the team. What started off as 8-10 people has now grown to a team of 24.  God you're faithful!
  • Seeing Ms. Peirt (former principal of Papine high). 
  • Hearing Adrian and Sara's story of courtship.  It is so encouraging to know that there are REAL MEN that believe in pursuing their lady of interest the correct way.  Way to go Adrian - for submitting yourself to leadership and waiting on God's perfect timing.  I'm praying for you guys!

All in all, I'm so thankful to have had another opportunity to grace the island of Jamaica.

One Lord, One God of Many Nations


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