Thursday, February 10, 2011

Two Days Away from Jamaica Part Deux!

I'm two days away from being reunited with my Jamaican family and so many emotions are running through my head. How awesome is it that God would have me to have another encounter with my beloved Jamaica! Fundraising was quite the journey, but every step in the process has brought me a clearer revelation of what perseverance means -steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. Surely everyone knows that it was not by my own might or power, that I am able to take this beautiful journey once again.

At my very core, I pray that God does a work within me to share Christlike love to every person that comes across my path while in Kingston. I'm willing and ready to roll up my sleeves in order to do a greater work. Sacrificing myself, giving myself away to His complete work on the mission/battle field. May this trip be both refreshing and transformative! Purge me oh Lord, that I may be used by you - my savior and king! May the warmth of your love transcend cultural barriers and permeate the hearts of the Jamaican people as you shine through me, your servant. The look of desperation that so many will have in their eyes, I pray that Jehovah-Jireh (God of provision), honor the request of humbled hearts.

Excitement is lurking all around me in my final preparation for this trip! I know there will be miracles, fun and unity amongst everyone. Ahhhhhh! Just to bask in the glow of the sun....I can't wait!

Jamaica, land I love!

One God, One Lord, Many Nations!


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