Sunday, February 13, 2011

End of Day 2

Really?- All God really wants us to do is to willingly give ourselves to his work so that we can reach the lost. Today was a day of reflection for me. In our group study, we prayed for a spirit of compassion. In my opinion, compassion begins when we reflect on God's goodness, grace and mercy. Truly, any member of our team could easily be in a worse predicament than where we are today. Starting the day with that devotion in mind, prepared my heart to be more fleshlike- feeling and savoring the moments/encounters with the Jamaican people.

It's amazing how prayer can set the pace for the entire day. My dear sister and fierce worship leader, Tokigui, wasted no time to usher us into a place of worship. As I surveyed the room, I noticed that not everyone was fully engaged. Some passively worshipped. Intuitively, Tokigui sensed the lack of desperation for God and for his will to be done. Eyes begin to open and the people realized the need to seek God with desperation and the praise heightened. LaWanna had a moment to minister and God's presence saturated us with an outpour of power. Later in the service, the team and I had the opportunity to share out 2 minute miracles. Harriet's testimony, being the highlight of that moment, displayed what the team wanted the people of CLF, Kingston and Jamaica as a whole to see - that we came to partner alongside of the works being done. We're no different than them; God saved us from our mess just like he did with them. Together we have a mission to reclaim the island of Jamaica and bring restoration to the people, stir up the gifts lying dormant, prepare the next generation for greatness!

Sitting here, I almost got discouraged that I didn't have a defining moment with at least one individual. However, God used me in the ministry of song. Praise and worship is so powerful! My prayer is that someone was ministered to through the lyrics I sung, maybe the sound of my voice, or perhaps by witnessing my freedom to worship. Lord, give me what I need to minister for each day. If that be a song, a word, a deed, or a listening ear - I give myself to your work.

On another note - It's beautiful seeing God touch my team members that have never been on a mission trip. What they are witnessing is something completely different from what they know. Ruin them for your kingdom God!!!

Tomorrow - We're out for blood! On to Papine High School and to the university to try out the God test. Pray that every team member's tongue has utterance to preach the gospel, share God's word and BOLDLY proclaim that Jesus is the way! Can't wait to do the God test!

Stay tuned....More to come!

One Lord, One God, Many Nations


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