Thursday, March 11, 2010

Visit to National Heros Park

It's the end of another successful day!!! We're up to 116 children giving their loves to Christ. More is to come....I'm execting great miracles on tomorrow- the final day of our trip. Keep us in prayer.

From yesterday.....

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Visit to August Town Primary

Early yesterday morning we drove into town to begin out day. The plan was to minister to August town, another founding place of rastafarianism. We went in ready to pray on behalf of the children and walk away having shared the love of Christ with each and every one of them. As I unloaded the bus I knew I was going to make a personal connection/impact with the kids. Slowly, the kids started filing out of their classrooms. As they stood in line, I gave them biblical trivia and they enjoyed it. Of course it helped that I had pencils as a prize. Once again, I was surprised at how much scripture had been embedded in their memories. My objective is to get it embedded I their hearts.

The assembly started and I realized that the students had to stand the entire length of the assembly in the sun. To think of all the times I complained, these children didn't have a problem with it. Yes! They have been use to it, but ally complaints don't seem to measure up to what they had to endure.

By this point, everything was well underway. The kids were enjoying the drawing and dancing. Pastor Lyndon then asked me to sing , "I am not
Forgotten". As I was singing, I could see the life that God was breathing into the children through this song. At that very moment I realized that God sent me here for those children. Afterward, I wandered the school and went from classroom to classroom. I stopped in one class to do more trivia and i had another realization that the children were breathing life into me.

I continued to roam the schools and Lawanna and I came upon Ms. Burke. We went to give school supplies to one girl. Unknown to us, God sent us into there for Ms. Burke. Ms. Burke shared that she struggled coming into work and that she was heavy burdened. However, after hearing the song, "I am not Forgotten" she says she felt her burdens lifting and began to dance. Bless God! Ms. Burke knows that God knows her name. God's work is being done here.

Pray for our workers. The team has seen a change in their character already. However, they need God to completely revolutionize their lives. We haven't quite gotten them to put
down "the herb". Pray saints pray!

One Lord, One God, Many Nations
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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Impacting Papine High School

Yesterday was beyond words. Over 60 kids at Papine gave their lives to Christ. I was surprised to learn that the children know scripture but needed someone to help bring out the God in them. I was approached by a 13 year old to pray for her. Her exact words were, "I want to walk with Christ." I saw the passion in hope in her tear eyes and prayed for her. Before I could walk away, she told me she was sick with a severe back condition and wanted God to completely heal her

Enounter were made like that throughout the entire day and will continue to happen today. Pray for the young girls with no fathers, the young boys who have been taught to put up a wall and that rastafarianism is the only way and lastly, pray that the teachers will have a constant word of encouragement for the children.

On a funside- You all will be happy to know that I won a foot race against a genuine Jamaican. What can I say... I still got it!

One Lord, One God, Many Nations

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Church with Christian Life Fellowship

Ahhhhhhhhh! Church was so refreshing. The team walked into the church while they were in the middle of Sunday school. Immeditely I sensed that the people came with open hearts and were expecting a great move of God - initiated by the TENDAYS team.

Service finally began and it was powerful. As I observed during worship, I couldn't help but notice that the youth were involved in every aspect of worship (singers, instruments, sound technician, etc). From the song selection to the delivery of the songs, their youth were passionate for Christ. My heart was overjoyed to see such passion directed to our one and ONLY living God. Tokigui Russell, the young lady pictured above, is the worship leader. I was struck by how mighty she was. Her ability to usher in God's presence, declare a seasoned word to the people, and function in the realm of worship continuously brought tears to my eyes. The worship got so heavy that it lead to prophetic singing and a time of ministry at the altar where I encountered Nicole, who was simply broken and battered. I prayed with her and she instantly was put at peace. Praise God!

3 hours later- YES! 3 hours later, we finally made it to the hotel. I ask that you (the reader) pray that we spark a fire in the Jamaican people. God has a special plan for Kingston (town of Papine) that will only come to pass when the Jamaican people realize that they hold the key to the revival here. Restoration WILL come!

One Lord, One God, Many Nations
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Location:Cecelio Ave,Kingston,Jamaica

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Visiting Papine High School

Here's a little footage of where the TENDAYS mission team will be building. Please pray for Papine. The high school is situated in the middle of what I'd call the "slums." No kid should have to travel to school in conditions like these. Pray that Papine High School will be restored and will be the lighthouse to the community, beckoning the city to return to knowing that Jesus Christ is LORD and he can bring restoration to the people of Jamaica!

One Lord, One God, Many Nations!

Touchdown in Kingston, Jamaica

I'm in Jamaica!!!! I've made it safely and the team and I are ready to touch the world.

Sat next to a native Jamaican and had great conversation. Checkout the footage of my friend and I as we landed.

One Lord, One God, Many Nations
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Bon Appitte for a Bon Voyage

There's nothing like good eating. I was greeted with a warm home, friendly smile and tasteful food by my good friend Jennifer as I made a pit stop before leaving for the airport. Isn't it amazing how much fellowship goes on over food.

My prayer, as I head to the airport to catch my flight, is that I make divine appointments with the people of Jamaica. Give me what to say and how to say it. Keep me and my entire team safe flying to Jamaica, staying in Jamaica, and returning home to the good ole US of A!

To everyone reading this, DON'T TEXT Me in Jamaica (seriously!)... AT&T charges $.50 per text. I love y'all but y'all will responsible for my bill when I return.

Blessings to ya mon'!

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Friday, March 5, 2010

Jamaica - Restoration

ONE DAY until landing in Kingston, Jamaica!!!

Here I am Lord - send ME! It's the day before I fly out for Jamaica and words can't express how overwhelmed I am. This TENDAYS mission has both tested my faith and opened my eyes to the needs of others. Who would have thought this small town girl from Mobile, AL would actually get an opportunity to fulfill God's command of reaching the nations!?! (Mark 16:15)

With an open heart, a word of encouragement, and love, I am ready to touch the lives of the Jamaicans - as it shall be a divine appointment!

Singing...."We are a chosen generation. We're gonna reach the world" (Israel Houghton)

I feel my island vibe flowing mon'!